Front-line NHS practitioners too often find themselves emotionally exhausted and suffering from compassion fatigue or emotional numbness. Mindfulness training helps cultivate self-compassion, and the ability to show care and empathy for ourselves goes to the core of being able to offer it to others.
Mindfulness training also builds psychological resilience. We know this from lived experience, but also from the weight of clinical, psychological and neuroscientific literature.
Our training sessions bring together a mix of mindfulness practices and theory informed by the evidence-based 8 Week Mindfulness Courses (MBCT and MBSR) and we cover mindfulness-informed techniques for relating to patients differently, being more present, listening more effectively whilst at the same time setting boundaries and empowering them to take ownership of their emotional and physical health issues.
We can put together a programme of training to suit your needs and time constraints, delivered from Roseland Farm, Derbyshire (between Chesterfield and Mansfield) or at your own locations.
The NCGPA team came together once a month for a two hour session focused on their wellbeing and resilience.
SPLWs and HWCs do incredible work in primary care, signposting and supporting patients towards community-based health and wellbeing solutions, but holding people with often complex, chronic physical and emotional needs can be heavy, demanding work which can take a toll on practitioners. This is a space and an opportunity for them to regroup, pause and reset.
Our training also covers mindfulness-informed techniques that can be used in work with patients.
Often working alone in GP surgeries, the Social Prescriber Link Workers across the 12 Rushcliffe GP surgeries came together once a month to help reconnect as a team and to share some time and space for practical self-care.
A mix of mindfulness practices (sitting, moving, walking) and teaching on core mindfulness principles gave them space to breathe, but also developed skills for their own resilience.
Our training also covers mindfulness-informed techniques that can be used in work with patients.
I am very pleased to be registered with BAMBA to teach mindfulness, having undergone a recognised mindfulness teacher training pathway.
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